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Veteran Suicide Statistics (2014)

In 2014, an average of 20 veterans died from suicide each day. 6 of the 20 were users of VA services.

In 2014, veterans accounted for 18% of all deaths from suicide among US adults, while veterans constituted 8.5% of the population.

Approximately 66% of all veteran deaths from suicide were the result of firearm injuries.

In 2014 approximately 65% of all veterans who died from suicide were aged 50 or older.

After adjusting for differences in age and gender, the risk for suicide was 21% higher among veterans when complared to US civilian adults.

After adjusting for differences in age, risk for suicide was 18% higher among male veterans when compared to US civilian adult males.

After adjusting for differences in age, risk for suicide was 2.4 times higher among female veterans compared to US civilian adult females.

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